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The Chosen – Season 3 – Episode 1


Episode Passage – Matthew 5


Study 1 

Conversation Starter
Which character(s) do you want to see more of in Season 3 of The Chosen?

Episode Questions

1. Share about a time when you chose a path that caused your family or friends to
distance themselves from you.

2. Jesus’ teaching in His sermon on the Mount seems like upside down thinking for our world.
Which of His teachings impacted your thoughts the most after hearing it just now?

3. In what ways since following Jesus have you been building your life on Him as your Rock?
Jesus taught that founding our lives on Him is critical because we will all face what in this
life? Explain.

4. Matthew’s father had disowned him in the episode. Do you think there is anything you
can do that would cause your heavenly Father to disown you? Why or why not?

5. Why do you think Jesus taught His followers to reconcile with other people before trying
to make right with their heavenly Father?


Personal Next Steps 

● Renew and Refresh -  This week read Matthew 7:24-27; 1 John 1:8-10; 3:1-2

● Self-Check

o John the Baptist asked Joanna after hearing Jesus’ sermon if she had been
grateful for “food” while not even realizing she had been “starving.” How have
you been “feeding” your spiritual appetite?

o Jesus knew Peter would abandon Him and Judas would betray Him and yet He
welcomed them into His family. Are you avoiding closeness with Christ because
you feel you are abandoning Him or betraying Him? What can you change? 

Continuing the Conversation -  What encouraged you about this episode that you could
use to point someone else to trusting in Christ? 

Pray -  Thank your heavenly Father for never giving up on you. Ask Him to help you “do”
the things you are “hearing” from His Son’s teachings.