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The Chosen – Season 2 – Episode 7 


Episode Passages – Matthew 4:12-17; Matthew 6:5-15 

Study 7 

Conversation Starter 

What’s a fun game you get really competitive at? 

Episode Questions 

  1. What teachings of Jesus are the hardest for you to trust in and/or follow? 
  2. In the episode, Andrew’s emotions (fear) cause him to attack the other disciples. How  do you prevent your emotions from clouding your judgement and hurting others? 
  3. When your faith is challenged by negative circumstances, do you get angry, fearful, or  shutdown? How do you restore your trust in Christ? 
  4. Who do you have in your life that can help keep you from taking matters into your own  hands when things are not going your way?  
  5. In the episode Jesus taught that prayer is the first step at getting the mind and the heart right. What is something you’d like to improve about your prayer life?  

Personal Next Steps 

Renew and Refresh – This week read Matthew 4:12-17; Matthew 6:5-15.


o Does your prayer life show your real dependence on God? What could you do  to make it even better? 

o What thing(s) do you use as “tools” to help keep your prayer times meaningful  and productive? (Books, lists, practices, times of day?) 

Continuing the Conversation – Who do you know that doesn’t know what to make of  Jesus? How could you help their understanding? 

Pray – Thank God for Jesus’ patience with you even when you don’t understand His  leading in your life. Ask Him to help you when you’re doubting His lead.